Truth be told, I'm just getting back into the world of detailed wargaming after a decades-long hiatus. This was definitely the right game to run back into headfirst and without a plan. Great game, I'll be getting more.
Great game but few scenarios and they are not that connected. It is fairly simple and provides a series of fun but challenging battles.
Night drop sucks you dont have enough units not enough time and EGPYT IS HARD plus you have NO TANKS plz in update add some super Shermans in this mission
'67 Night Drop is a joke. Not enough time, reinforcements arrive too late, too far, to be of any significant use. Who ever wrote this scenario needs to improve it.
Please please please release the other 2 games in the 85 series its a great game but it lacks a senario editor. And a multi player mode
Played through all the campaigns twice. Simply fantastic. Highly recommend it.
Good wargame!
Same accurate, but engaging game play, although less scope for manouve tactics, due to the historical nature of the scenarios (I prefer european based theatres). Also fantastic response to queries from John Tiller games.
....I wish u could play with the Egyptians and Syrians etccc too
His stuff is good. Once you understand the UI for one of his games the rest follow the same conventions. This makes it worth learning it.